@Corgaroo's Informational Card :)

About !

Corgi / late 20s / she/they

Heyo :3
As you may know, I go by Corgi ! I work as a freelance artist and I mainly draw anthros ^^
I have been playing otome games for quite a while now but only got more invested in them a few years ago. I've also been studying JP for a little over a year now ! Not confident enough for conversation but getting there '_'7
Also i draw characters as dogs a lot ! >w>;

Outside of the otome world, I draw my ocs a lot and write with them even more!
I also play a lot of video games, listen to music almost constantly and enjoy watching films + anime.
You will catch me posting about Splatoon, Overwatch and a few other non-otome related games here and there >w>;
I'm not sure what else to say so here's a picture of my cat, Jackson. --->

-->game info/favs

Game Info ( •̀ ω •́ )

Currently playing...
-Diabolik Lovers MB, Virche ENG, Virche FD, Nil Admirari

Completed Recently ( In the last 4 Years ) + A few older favs;
-Cupid Parasite
-Code Realize
-Collar X Malice + Unlimited
-Olympia Soiree
-Piofiore + 1926
-Virche (jp)
-Amnesia FDs
-Ashen Hawk / Black Butterfly
-Chou No Doku ( 30% completed )
-DL HDB ( various endings left to finish )
-Ken Ga Kimi
-Steam Prison (PC)
-Lover Pretend
Dropped but maybe someday...
- Cafe Enchante
- VariBari

Fav LIs / Characters ! :3
1. Orlok // 2. Liliana
3. Dante // 4. Lucas
5. Ankou
and in no particular order...
-Gilbert ( Pio) // - Van ( CR )- Shin ( Amnesia ) // - Henri ( Pio )-Mineo ( CxM ) // - Leo ( Pio )- Crow ( Bustf ) // - Pashet ( OZ )- Impey ( CR ) // -Ichika ( CxM )-Tyril ( EiT ) // SISI ( CR )- Okazaki ( CxM ) // -Azusa ( DL )- Shu ( Bustf ) // -Laito ( DL )- Phantom (Pio) // - Tsugumi (NA)-----
i thiiink that's it for now?
i think.

Playthru threads on twitter;
some of these threads were accidentally abandoned, spoilers ahead OBVIOUSLY.
cxm unlimited; #corgiunlimited
Code Realize; #corgrealize
Code Realize FB ; #corgrealize
Olympia Soiree ; #corgiasoiree
Pio 1926(long...) ; #19corgi6
virche JP ; #horseboysim
virche ENG; #horseboysimENG
virche FD; #horseboysimFD
nil admirari; #NilCorgi

thanks for stopping by ! :D
